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Love in the Ville: Local Couples Share Their Love Stories

Various Submissions • Photos provided

Love is everywhere in Louisville—This month, we’re sharing some of our favorite local love stories, straight from the couples who’ve lived them. From sweet beginnings to decades of partnership, they’re spilling the secrets to lasting love, a little bit of romance, and a whole lot of laughter.


“When I was 23 and Rebecca was 20, we met at a Derby party in Lexington. A friend introduced us, and we hit it off instantly. I kept looking for an opportunity to ask Rebecca out on a date, but she was always with the group of friends she came with. Eventually, the group decided it was time to leave, and I looked wistfully at Rebecca as she waved goodbye and walked toward their car. 

I was upset with myself for not having the courage to just ask her out and Rebecca sensed that. She told her friends she left her umbrella behind and needed to go back to get it. As I saw Rebecca walk back into the party, I ran up to her and asked for her number. Our first date was a few days later and that was 38 years ago.

But here’s the thing: There was never an umbrella. Rebecca made up the excuse to give me one more chance. Thirty-eight years later I’m still grateful for imaginary umbrellas.”


“A singer joined the Va Va Vixens where she met an aerialist. They fell in love, stayed in love through two years of living 900 miles apart, started doing aerials together, got married after dating for four years (gay marriage having recently been legalized), and have now been in love for over 10 years. 

The secret to an amazing relationship is to do aerials together. Just kidding! (But it helps!) Really, the secret is to grow together. Grow through shared challenges and shared joy. Aerials are not the only way to do that!”


“In the early 2000s, Myspace was the digital hub of social life before Facebook and Instagram took over. In 2008, as Facebook grew, I was about to leave Myspace behind—until this guy, Sheldon, from Cynthiana, KY, messaged me asking for recommendations in Louisville. Though we had no mutual friends, I entertained his message, and soon we were texting and having long, late-night calls. These calls became a comforting escape as my father was in the final stages of brain cancer. 

After months of talking, we met in person, and after a wild first date, I quickly asked him to be my boyfriend—my first. He moved in with my family under the guise of needing a place to stay, but he became my rock during my father’s passing just four months later. I felt like he was sent to me at the exact right time. In the following months, we moved into our first home, came out to our families, and faced grief together, losing both of our fathers—his father to pneumonia and my father to cancer. Then, in 2014, we were heartbroken again when his mother died in a terrible car accident. 

From heartbreak came celebration: in 2015, Sheldon proposed in Paris, and we married in 2016 at The Louisville Palace, despite the lack of support from much of my family. In 2017, I lost my mother to a stroke, and though it was heartbreaking, Sheldon and I grew even closer, taking turns supporting each other through the loss of both of our parents before the age of 30. Through it all, our love only deepened. Looking back, I see how our bond has been strengthened by every challenge, and I know we are stronger together than apart.” 


Luis and Kaiti’s love story started the modern way—on a dating app—but it didn’t take long for it to feel like fate. Their first date, a simple dinner and drinks, turned into hours of nonstop conversation, the kind where you completely lose track of time. It felt easy, natural, like they had known each other forever. Four years later, that same spark is still going strong, proving that sometimes, a swipe right can lead to something truly special.

“Our advice would be to communicate often and ask all the important questions early on. Be your authentic self. Meeting a stranger for the first time can be very scary, but trust your intuition and most importantly, have fun.”


“We met in college at UofL. Many of our friends credit themselves with introducing us, but it was actually Leeland who introduced himself to me after he found out we played the same card game. We dated for 6 years before getting married in 2018 at the Palace Theatre. Now we’re navigating a small business, saving up to buy a house, and making plans to check off bucket list items while we’re still young!

Always remember you are a team. It’s never one vs the other, but the two of you vs the problem.”


Brennan and Corinne first crossed paths in high school at Louisville Male HS, introduced through mutual friends. Though they didn’t know each other well at the time, Brennan took a chance and asked Corinne to prom, both viewing it as a fun opportunity to connect as friends. However, life had other plans—when COVID struck, prom was canceled, but in an unexpected twist, the two ended up growing closer. What started as a simple friendship soon turned into something much more as they truly hit it off. 

“Our best love advice for anyone is to have fun, grow together, and just be yourself. We love each other because we can be goofy and laugh, especially when times are tough. We get through challenges by laughing and taking things with a grain of salt. I always know that when I wake up, I’m going to laugh—if not all day, at least a couple of times.” 


“At the time John and I met, it was a bit unusual. Now internet dating is completely normal. We actually matched on E-Harmony back in 2009. Chatted for a few weeks before we met, and we have been together ever since. I remember when he told me about his seizures. I remember thinking to myself, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t want to date him anymore? It’s not like he can control them. But a wonderful thing happened because of his seizures, we ended up creating a business based on his knowledge and use of once-illegal cannabis oil, or CBD oil as it is more commonly known now. He started making oil and I started educating and selling his products. It has been an incredible journey with lots of ups and downs, but one thing has remained, we are in it together and we are always supportive of each other’s businesses. 

If we can pass along any advice to other couples out there it would be that it is so important to communicate with each other, laugh and try not to take life so seriously. We are all on this earth for a short time, love with all your heart and try to be a good person, to your spouse and to others. Give back when you can and take care of your community and those most important in your life. Even though John suffers from seizures, he has never let it stop him from chasing his dreams or rooting for me in my business endeavors. I think that kind of support and loyalty is heaven sent, and we are both grateful for our friendship and love. “ 




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