By Antonio Pantoja

If I put a 2x4 on the floor and asked you to walk across it, you could do it no problem. One foot right in front of the other.
Let’s say I raised that same board 200 feet into the air and it was a bridge between two buildings. Could you walk across that same board? You’d be so concerned with the idea of falling, you’d fall. And so would I. This is the Missing Bannister Theory.
There’s a superpower in removing fear when it comes to art, business, or maybe asking that person out you’ve always wanted to.
Taking any risk can be scary. But do you know what’s even scarier? Regret.
In my last article I discussed overcoming obstacles. If you only focus on the path, you don’t even notice the obstacles and removing limitations from within yourself. But I think there’s a bit more to this.
Sometimes we become so concerned with the goal that we forget to enjoy the journey. And sometimes, the person you become on the way to your goal is more important than the goal itself.

There is no rush. We become so infatuated with some sort of destination that we have to arrive at that we forget to enjoy the journey. Attach your happiness to the pursuit of approaching the goal. The reward is in the pursuit.
In music, a composer doesn’t make the end of a composition only. Comparatively, if we were in a rush, the best composers would be those who played the fastest. We’d fast forward through every song only to hear the end. We’d attend concerts only to hear the last crashing chord.
When people dance, the whole point of dancing is the dance itself. There is no rush.
Don’t be so quick to get to the finish line. Enjoy the run. What happens when you get to the finish line in life? I think you know. Are you in a hurry?

When you wake up one day and you’re 40 years old, you’ll think to yourself “I’ve arrived”. But you don’t feel any different.

We think of life with a profound analogy of a journey and a race to the end whether it be success or heaven or whatever you believe or chase in the end.
But the entire time, it was a musical thing. And you were supposed to sing and dance while the music was being played.
Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the dance. Enjoy the music.
When you wake up tomorrow, be thankful that you get to give it another try. Because one day, you may not. Even reading this magazine, although it’s free, you are choosing to purchase it with your life. Choose your time wisely.
ARTIST CHALLENGE: create an image that represents how limited our time here on earth is and submit to @antoniopantoja
“Life is a journey, not a destination” - Dondi Monti
